Thursday, June 10, 2021

Remembering Judson

Judson's stone at Chatham Memorial Cemetery.  
Mark Estrop's words for us as we gathered at the cemetery this week:

King David, the primary writer of Psalms, is mainly remembered as the greatest king of Israel.  He was a national hero--the kid who took out the giant Goliath, restored dignity to the capitol Jerusalem, and he  was a man after God's heart.

But the Bible also tells of a man who suffered anguish and pain--just like the rest of us.  Not even kings are exempt from the troubles and tribulations of life.  He, too, felt the heartbreak of the loss of a son, one an infant and one an adult.

Whenever the world collapsed on David, he returned  to God to find his way, as he sought comfort and restoration.

David wrote the Psalms, not out of theory or orthodox theology--he wrote out of his own experience.  When he wrote in Psalm 34 that "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" he knew first-hand how it felt to be brokenhearted and crushed.

When he wrote in Psalm 147, "He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds", he also had experienced the power of healing.  But that healing was not a quick process.  There are 113 Psalms between the two.  It took time before he could feel the healing of his broken heart.

We still feel that pain in our hearts today, even in the midst of our healing.

At Judson's memorial service I stated that we cannot judge a person by one act or one day.  That is true for all of us--we wouldn't want to be judged by one act or one day.  It is the complete volume of a person's life that brings meaning to that life.  Memories of the good days should balance the negative days.  So, I ask, if you wish to share, what is your best memory of Judson?  What do you remember best about his life?  For you who knew him best--what would you like to share?

Betty shared her memory of then-teenager Rachel first telling her, "Mom, I met a nice boy".  

My best memories of Judson are when he introduced us to Betsy and Kyle at their births--definitely highlights of my life.  I'm so grateful to have been his mom.  He tells me all the time, "Look up, mom".  Looking up  helps me feel better in those moments, a little closer to him and I am thankful.

The New Testament is a book of Hope.  The Apostle Paul wrote these immortal words:  "Who shall separate from the love of Christ?  Could oppression or anguish or persecution, or famine or nakedness, or peril or violent death?  No--in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who Loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor things present or things to come, nor powers, nor height or depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from God's love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Contrary to what some believe, St Paul makes it abundantly clear that nothing, zip, nada in all creation can separate us from the love of God.  I don't know about you, but that is good enough for me.

We leave not in despair but in hope and in faith--that we will all be transformed in the twinkling of an eye on that day when we will see the face of God, clearly, no longer through a dim mirror.  We will be reunited in that great love of God in a place that has been prepared for us, a new place where there is no more pain, crying, tears of death--because everything will have been made new.

Now may the God who has dominion even over death, bring you peace, that passes our own understanding and comprehension.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid for God is with you--and Judson.  The love of God cannot be compromised by death or anything else.  And that is the Good News.  Let us leave in peace and with healing in our lives.  Amen. 

The graphic on the stone is from Judson's tattoo.  He traveled all the way to Nashville to have it done and he put a lot of thought into it, so it's meaningful to us too.  He had the three shooting stars included to represent Rachel and Betsy and Kyle in his world.

Chris left the guitar pick for him.  And we left one of Isaac's fire agates there too.  We remember Judson every day all the time.  I'm glad we have a special place nearby where we can go to remember him too.  And later, we will take another part of his ashes  to Rock Creek, one his very favorite places on earth.  We miss you sweet Judson, so much.  You are so very loved.  


  1. The words spoken by Mark are so true and it gives us hope and peace when we find ourselves coping with life's struggles.

  2. this is precious.

  3. Loving and Remembering Judson every day.
