Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

Murphy was so good, I couldn't believe it.  He's so sweet 90% of the time, but he has moments when his 9-month-old puppy energy takes over.  When he went for a bath a few weeks ago, his groomer commented that his behavior was "better than most".  We laughed and laughed at that.  I figure it was a little like a C in conduct on an elementary school report card?   But for this Christmas night, we couldn't have asked for better behavior from him.  
Not my skinniest Christmas but not anywhere near my heaviest of pre-keto years.  We are still keto strong and thankful for the health benefits.  Mark starts treatment for Waldenstroms right after the New Year.

We had lasagna, beautiful strawberries, green beans, salad for our dinner.  And a slew of keto cookies and fudge.

My friend Cathy sent me this cute little charcuterie tray.
Mark fried chicken for our Christmas eve dinner.  Not really traditional, but it was amazing :)

I always like going back and seeing pictures from Christmas in years past.  Next year I won't remember that cute little tray that Cathy sent me until I come back here and check in.  This blog is going on 17 years old.  Seventeen years, wow!

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