Sunday, May 01, 2022

May Day Birthday 2022

 This is a little video that Billie, one of Rachel's relatives sent to me.  She took it at Judson's birthday party in 2018, a few months before he left for the other side.  I love the little side hug that he gave me when I got there, I love seeing Kyle watching over the box-opening, I love hearing Rachel's laugh and the sounds of an everyday moment back when we thought that those moments would keep happening year after year.

I have so many thoughts as I watch this.  Why didn't I savor that hug longer?  Why didn't I get to his party earlier to be with him longer?  Did we have another hug before I left that day?  I'm thankful we had that day, thankful that we have this video now.  I'm so thankful that I got to be his mom and that's he's with me every day somehow still connected.  

From that same birthday party

Any and all forms of separation, disconnects, divides, partings, breakups, and
goodbyes, Kynda, are temporary. Very. You'll be together far, far longer 
than you will ever be apart. 

Notes from the Universe

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