Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Forsythia

I found these branches in the cooler at class the other night. Made me so happy to find them. Over the last few years, I've been trying to get a row of them started out behind the fence. It's been a slow process because we have to carry water back there. I want to go out today and see if they are showing any signs of life.

Years ago, I bought a branch of forsythia at a florist and paid $4 for it. A bargain for a little bit of spring. Clayton had come up to see the boys and noticed it. The next week, out of the blue, I received a cardboard tube in the mail--a whole bundle of forsythia branches from Kentucky!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

G Dog the Coffee Lover

He is the sweetest boy ever. When he's not digging holes, that is. We went out at lunch yesterday to survey the kingdom. Lots of work out there to do, but we're looking forward to it. G dog found his coffee opportunity when I set my cup down to look for hellebore blooms under the leaves.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Can't Watch the News Anymore

Anybody else having trouble watching the news these days? Here's a post from Marianne Williamson's blog on entitled, "God, the Economy, and You".

It's easy to fall into fear and despair regarding the depressing economic news, but it's important to remember that spiritual principle transcends all that. God's laws are higher than economic laws, and God never goes into a recession.
So every time you hear a news report saying things are worse and are going to get worse before they get better, you might want to counter that fear-based thinking and speak your own word. Deliver your own news.
Love is the source of your good, and the source of your abundance. As you develop more and more fully your capacity to love, then miracles will occur naturally in your life....regardless of what's happening in the economy!
Whatever doors might close to us, God will open new long as our minds are willing and our hearts are open.

And to go along with that, a little tulip therapy never hurts!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Book Review

Very Valentine was a fun read. I think the author, Andriana Trigiano, knows Julia Cameron and The Artist's Way. I should look through the acknowledgements to see. Basically it's a romance novel and a family story too. The main character, whose name is Valentine, learns how to make wedding shoes from her grandmother and tries to save the family business.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Front Door

I posted the first version of this a few weeks ago. Ever since we made it in class, I've been finding other stuff to put in it. I had more, but I think this is enough for now. Maybe I'll start collecting for the next one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Live Happy 2

We made a "new" headboard out of Lori & Todd's former shutters and added
side tables with lamps. Lilla can't believe we did all this for her.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

A big BIG thank you to Susan at Enchanted Florist for having me this year! It was great working with Susan, her daughter Haley, and their crew. I learned a lot and had a great time.

Dozens and Dozens

This is Lisa, in her
shirt. She looks happy, doesn't she? She's a wonderful designer. It was good to see her again.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Won't Be Long

It's 50 degrees outside, just before 5 pm. I don't know what the high today was, but it was beautiful. The puppies and I walked the garden this morning and this evening. Lots of little touches of green, lots of buds. . . I don't even mind seeing the mud and sticks and old tired foliage that will need to be cut back. It's welcome work.

Vote for Buford

My friend Hillary has entered her bulldog puppy in a photo contest. You can vote for him here. He is a cutie. I haven't got to meet him yet, so I hope he doesn't get too famous for me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Book Review

The 19th Wife, by David Ebershoff: Interesting book that weaves history of the mormon church into a story about a son who tries to save his mother from polygamy. Part history, part who-done-it murder mystery.

It's Saturday!

What a beautiful morning! I was able to sit on the back porch with a cup of coffee in my fuzzy housecoat this morning. One of my very favorite things. G Dog and Lilla thought it was too cold and were ready to go back in with Mark. The birds were busy busy busy, getting ready for spring.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


The little pillow is one of mama's creations. And look what you can find at your local florist's shop. A perfect stem of dendro orchids with a little bit of plumosa.

Monday, February 02, 2009