Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Favorite Little Spook!

This year a butterfly, last year a bee.  She's growing up so much!  Have a great time tonight and say "cheese" a lot for us!

Friday, October 30, 2009


and I hear the sun may shine tomorrow!  This shot is from last year too--probably taken at Greenview on that same visit with mama and PJ and V.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This Time Last Year

This time last year, my mom and sis were in Springfield to visit.  Here they are with my mother-in-law V in front of Flea Market to Fabulous.  I'm going up to see them next weekend :-)   

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween on the Circle

Travis and our boys ran around the neighborhood  together when they were all in grade school.  So nice to see him with his family  just down the street.    His little boy Parker is so cute!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Artist At Work

Betsy is already mastering the  principle of balance.  Love her design!    

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Fav

Love this little butterfly!  And her mom posted a couple of new pictures on her blog the other day too.  If you're on facebook, you can find a new Betsy video on Rachel's wall.  When those pictures and videos appear, it's a big event around here! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Wreath

I'm missing Amy and my classmates this fall!  But fortunately, have some classes coming up this weekend. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Talking Shelf

Did you know that you can get talking furniture right here in Springfield, IL?  I saw  this little shelf  over at Flea Market to Fabulous and all week I've been hearing it say things like "come and get me"  and "take me home with you".  So I did!  and now I have a really cute shelf beside the vanity to hold a bunch of my stuff.  Now if it keeps talking to me, I may have a problem. . .

Now How Fun is That?!?

One last shot of the fundraiser going on at Flea Market to Fabulous.  Can't wait to see what they'll come up with next!  I'll keep you posted :-)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More from the Flea Market that's Fabulous

Did I mention that in addition to storm damage, F2F also had a malfunction with their website?  What luck.  But maybe for the best, cause now they are in the process of switching over to this site here.   I plan to go back over this weekend.  There was a little shelf that I swear has been sending messages to me ever since I saw it last week!

Pink Pink

Just love this fundraising project!  Such fun pieces. . . And fun to see who's bidding, what the numbers are up to. . .  Makes you feel good about shopping!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Silent Auction

Okay, as promised, here's the Flea Market to Fabulous fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness this month.   They have ten pieces scattered throughout the shop and not a dud in the bunch!  I'll post a few more over the next few days.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Flea Market to Fabulous's fabulous old corner building was damaged in a big storm a while back.  Sounds like it may take awhile to get it repaired and safe to use again.   Fortunately, they were able  to move everything into the back building and they made it look really fab back there too.  Tomorrow I'll show you what they're up to for Breast Cancer Awareness month!
The stories really add to the designs.  This one had sticks, so you know I loved it!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Beautiful Bras at The Wardrobe

 The show runs til the end of October, so don't forget to go down and check it out.

Trick or Treat

Ann Frescura; Downtown Springfield, Inc

Friday, October 09, 2009

Beautiful Bras

For the second year, The Wardrobe is hosting the Beautiful Bra show to raise money for breast cancer.  So many great entries ranging from beautiful to funny to heartbreaking.      Here's one of my favorites--Candelabra, designed by Rae Roberts-Griffith, AIFD of True Colors Floral Artistry.  I'll post more over the next few days, but if you're in Springfield, go over  and experience the show for yourself.  You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Just wanted to show you the breakfast that Mark made for me last Sunday morning.  It was fabulous.  I don't mention often enough that I have the best husband in the whole world.  Now  I wonder if he would do that again on a Tuesday? 

Monday, October 05, 2009


  It was a beautiful weekend.  This little piece is going to my office today so that it will be a more beautiful week at work too.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Church Quilts

My mom Peggy posted pictures of her weekend over on her blog at A Primitive Plot.  Awesome display.  Beautiful sanctuary made even more beautiful by massing  quilts, quilts, and more quilts.  It was all for a great cause too.  

Friday, October 02, 2009

From Fall 08

This design is by Amy Steiner, my instructor at Richland.  It's the first time in two years that I haven't been in a floral design class, and I am in withdrawal!  Next week, I'm going to start a photography class at the art association.   And the next ISFA classes will be at the end of October, so looking forward to those too.  In the meantime, Happy Friday!