Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lilies on a Wednesday

This might be the most perfect June weather EVER . . .

Monday, June 28, 2010

Michigan Lunch

Mama took us to lunch at Henry Ford's home.  Beautiful home and gardens, good food, and really good company.
I hope I look as good as my mama when I'm 75!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weeding Sunday

 In about three hours this morning, I yanked out hundreds of maple seedlings, scads of creeping charlie, vine after vine of bindweed, and all kinds of other weeds that have sprouted  in this little corner of the world.  I discovered--all over again--that I don't really mind weeding so much.   It's just that I want to weed in cool(er) temps and lower humidity with distant rumbling thunder on a quiet Sunday morning.  Those things make all the difference.  

Thanks to all my flower friends who have listened to me moan and groan (aka b***h) about weeding this season.  Turns out, I was really grouchy about the weather!  Hope it's good weeding weather in your garden too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our hot-humid-temps+daily-thunderstorm weather has been the norm lately, but this morning is really pleasant.  Hoping that we have a few days of low(er) humidity so that I can get another session of serious weeding done.  For some reason, I haven't been into non-serious weeding this season :-)  

The daylilies are beautiful right now.  This is one that Lori and I found  at King's one year. The daylily society (or was it the garden club?) was having a sale there.  Love the small flowers and love how  it always  reminds me of that day that we shopped, thinking that we didn't really need another daylily, but there were so many and maybe we could find a spot for just one more, especially if it was small . . .  

And here's my G man, at my side in the garden this morning.
Hope your Thursday is off to such a good start too!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Again Home Again

I'm back home from my trip to see my Michigan peeps :-)  So good to see everybody and to spend some time with my mom and my sisterbelle in their gardens.  The weather there was beautiful. . . Here, the weeds are  growing and the flowers are  blooming and it's back to my little routine at Canada Garden, land and life that I love.  Have a good Tuesday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Thanks to Mark for sacrificing and tying yet another tie for me!  I couldn't do these without him :-)  Happy Father's Day to Mark and to all the fathers in my life. 

Especially thinking about my fathers-in-law this year.  Warren, who loves me and is always glad to see me.  Daddy Bud, who loved me even when Tommy was gone so many more years than we had him.  And Doyle--whose face would light up when he saw us coming-- he was so crazy about Judson and Isaac when they came along.  I am so blessed to have had each one of them in my life. 

I'm still in Michigan on Powers Pond.  It's a beautiful morning in Michigan with my mom and sister and brother-in-law and the golden girls Rosie and Joy.  We're babysitting our beautiful great nephew John.  Enjoy your father's day too.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daylily Season

Lots of pretty daylilies blooming in the garden now, along with hot humid temps and daily thunderstorms.  I'm off to Michigan in the morning to see my mom and my sister and their gardens.   Look for pictures!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Children's Garden at MBG

When we visited the MBG last month, we really liked this little exhibit in the children's garden.  This section was built as a "jail", with posters of the most-wanted outlaws of the plant world.And here's the graveyard, memorializing extinct or near-extinct plants.
We thought it was fun, interesting way to spread the message.  Don't plant loosestrife, no matter how pretty it is, cause you'll be sorry.  And just the opposite of loosestrife,  don't disturb those precious little plants that need tender loving care in their own homes. 
And then, there's the playground!  We can't wait to take Betsy and Kyle :-)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Garden Peace

That creeping charlie is disturbing my peace!

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Lots of weeding and planting this weekend and now I'm ready for a rest!  

Pedestal from F2F, Bybee planter from a junk store here in Springfield (how did that happen?!?), and a blue willow plate from yet another junk store--all for a little fern on the back porch. 

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Another Asiatic Cut

This one went to Jo-An for her birthday.  She even exercised on her birthday!

Book Reviews

Just read The Lake Shore Limited by Sue Miller.   I couldn't put this one down.  Really nice,  complicated life and love story.  It's setting was post-9/11 and it kind of reminded me of a dream I once had. . .  

The Elizabeth Berg book was good too---Last Time I Saw You--about a 40th high school reunion.  I was just talking with someone the other day who was getting ready for her 50th reunion, and she said almost exactly the same kind of things that the characters in this book did.

I love both these authors.  Can't wait to read their next stories :-)

Friday, June 04, 2010

In the Garden

Continuing with the "in-the-garden to in-the-vase" theme, here's asiatic lily lollipop along with a clematis that I love but can't  name. . . maybe I should rename it something that I'd remember. . . .    Something that goes with lollipops. . .

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

In Bloom

This is Blue Angel again--with the sunlight coming through the dogwood branches to spotlight the blooms.  I've taken a lot of shots of this faithful hosta, but this picture may be one of my favorites.