Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hello 2015

 Well, no it's not quite 2015 yet.  But almost. You've seen this little crocheted Christmas tree many times here.   I don't do a lot of decorating at home anymore now that we've been traveling to be with Bets &  Kyle and their parents for the big day.  But this little tree, made by Larry Greene's mom a long time ago, makes me smile every year.  Poor little squished angel!  Actually the whole thing is in really good shape for its many years of wear.
And now for some rescued-from-the-grocery-store-tulips, how-many-seed-catalogs-came-in-the-mail-today and every-day-a-minute-or-two-more sunlight . . .

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Grandma Peggy sent the kids a nice Christmas box which included this sweet ornament and a silver snowman.  And homemade jam.  They got summer in their Christmas box!
 Rachel has decorated the kids' rooms so cute.  They each had a white tree.  

And even though there's no Christmas in this batman scene from Kyle's room, I couldn't leave it out.  Another beautiful Christmas with Judson & Rachel and BK.  Love love in Madisonville.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's Christmas!

Betsy & Kyle got to take a ride on the Polar Express! Looks like they had an awesome time :)
 I love this shot of Kyle as the camel.  

Merry Merry Christmas :)

Goodbye Sweet Friend

Nan & Ellen at PJ's wedding, 1985
Also from PJ's wedding:  Emily, Debbie, Sarah Beth, Nan, Ellen

Nan was my best friend in the whole world for a lot of years. She and Debbie taught me how to l.a.u.g.h!  Those two sisters absolutely rolled in the floor laughing so hard.  I have no memory at all of what we laughed about, just being together with them made me happy.

After Tommy died and I was at UK going to school, Nan and I talked for hours on the phone every week.  It cost us hundreds (thousands?) of dollars on the long distance phone bills--that was  when we paid by the minute for long-distance on our land lines. Where were the cell phones back then?!  But we needed each other  and we never regretted one penny that went to the phone companies.

And here Nan talking with Elizabeth at Ellen's wedding.  
1986? in the Wilson's back yard.  Another  lovely wedding.

I had the nicest visit with Nan and Sue just three short months ago.  We talked about old times and caught up on the latest news and laughed again.  So glad that we had that last time together.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Isaac's Home!

Started reading AJ Fickry on the way to the airport to pick him up and I've been obsessed ever since.  I loved it. . . I hope you do too.
Our neighbor's roses were putting on a show this morning.

Fall 2014

 Last garden vase of 2014. 
Fall-blooming, long lasting in the garden & in the vase.  
And they dry well!  Who knew?

We had to say goodbye to our sweet Lilla.  We miss her terribly.  She livened everything up because she believed with all her heart that everyone was just so happy to see her!  G is our big strong brave boy--he's his usual quiet self but always ready to play (unless he's sleepy--a guy has to get his beauty sleep!).  He is getting even more loving and people food these days.  A dog makes life better.
And so do anenomes.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Good Day Fishing

C'mon Pawpaw!
I'm hurrying as fast as I can!