Sunday, May 21, 2017

Annual Spring Vaca @ Jonathan Creek

We've been blessed blessed to be able to go to Jonathan Creek to fish and eat and visit with family for most every year for the past 12 years.  
 He may not have caught very many fish this time, but Mark caught a few big ones :)
Judson and Rachel brought the kids up and we all went to the Dinner Bell.  We eat differently now, but the Dinner Bell is still a favorite place to eat.  We also went to Patti's and to the Brass Lantern.  And we cooked a lot.  Four pounds of bacon over the course of the week. A couple quarts of heavy cream.  A keto cake for Mark's birthday.    Deviled eggs.  Cauliflower rice.  And western Kentucky barbecue from The Four Little Pigs in Benton and from Starnes in Paducah.  We don't eat pie or cobbler anymore, but we had wonderful meals and we didn't go hungry not one time. 
The before picture in Mark's collage was from a couple years ago.
I read good books.  Loved Option B by Sheryl Sandburg & Adam Grant.  I've been worrying way too much lately and this was a perfect read to help me let go a little bit.  The Wally Lamb book was a pretty quick read and I liked it.  I loved Hillbilly Elegy,  J.D.Vance's memoir about his hillybilly family who migrated to Ohio to escape the crushing poverty of southeastern Kentucky. 
I journal almost every morning thanks to Pat's Artist's Way classes that I've taken at Unity over the years.  I had a lot to pour out on the page this week.  This was a beautiful place to write. 

I got to visit with Sue.  Why didn't I take a picture with her?!?  I talked to my mom almost every day.  Mark and I went to the cemetery.  

I was feeling a little (okay, a lot) blue at the first of the week. Seeing Judson and Rachel and Betsy and Kyle, talking with my mom, visiting with Sue, fishing, reading, writing, looking out over the lake, seeing Mark so happy with his fishing, eating good food:  all good medicine and I feel so much better. 
We're home safe and sound now.  Can't wait til next time.  

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