Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't Worry

I posted this picture of me with my mom and mammy on facebook for mother's day.  I've been thinking a lot about my mammy lately.  When Tommy and I were in the hospital (it will be 40 years this August) that she told me to remember the 23rd psalm. She'd send notes and letters and probably a little cut out version like this one too.  The other day I went with a friend to the cancer center for her treatment and I  felt like Mammy was right there with us.
We've had a beautiful spring.  Lots of rain, mostly cool.  Mark has worked like a dog in the back yard and it's never looked this good this early.  Of course, he's had help from our actual dogs--Skye loves to dig and G dog is her very good teacher. 
I have so many many blessings.  I'm thankful for children, my children's children, my garden, and another spring. 
G dog and Skye after a big day digging in the garden. 
I love this picture of Judson and the kids on his birthday. 

I was cleaning out a closet the other day and found this "therapy fund" jar that I've had for years.  I wish I could remember who gave it to me but I have always loved it.  I used to recommend God boxes to my clients.  You may have heard of those--a box or container where you put all your hopes and dreams and worries and give them to God to handle.  This was what I used as my God jar. 
 When I opened the jar, I  found all these prayers that I put in there way back when.  I wish I had dated them.  Every single prayer has been answered.  Every. Single. One.   Even big ones like Mark's diabetes.  I've been saying lots of prayers lately and I will add those now.  My friend Gail reminded me the other day, "His eye is on the sparrow."

The TV is on in the background and I'm hearing the latest troublesome news from Washington.  I'm going to put our country in the God jar too.  



  1. Love this. I'm thankful for you. And those dogs! They are so sweet.

  2. oh, and that Columbine! That is SO pretty!

  3. This is so sweet, our jars are always gonna be full aren't they? And overflowing if we put in our blessings. I love you so much.
