Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas 2018

 A few pictures from our Christmas.  It has been so sad, but we made it through as we all have to when life hands us hard times. 
 Betsy enjoying the very last of the s'mores that were left over from their Halloween party. 
 Rachel makes sure the kids have new pajamas every Christmas Eve.  Go Cubs!
 One of my favorite Christmas treasures made by my mama. I love it so much  that I keep out all year round.  That's me as a little girl on Santa's lap and the picture at the bottom is all of us kids going to church one Sunday morning.  
This made me smile.  Somebody else besides me must be feeling bewildered by life too. 

 Mama sent this box to Betsy & Kyle.  I loved the puppets, they're so cute!
 Our Keto Christmas card
Our Skye girl can pose when she's knows she's earning a treat.  And now, on to the New Year. . .

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Christmas Decorating 2018

 This year's color scheme was inspired by the outside lights that Mark hung especially for Betsy & Kyle.
Skye thinks I've got something more than just that tea that I'm drinking.  We've spoiled her into thinking that we've always got a treat for her.
 My mom has made so many ornaments for me over the years.  One of my favorite Christmas gifts ever was a set of red & white checked ornaments from my mama that she made for my first tree in 1974 after Tommy and I were married.  I can still remember how happy I felt when I opened that box. 
So many of the ornaments on the tree were made by the artist Peggy :)

The dove is one of my special memories too--it was on one of the sympathy flowers that we received when Tommy died.  It has survived all these years.  It was especially bittersweet this year.  The hope ornament came from The Farm.
Isn't he cute?  You can't really see, but he is holding a paper gingerbread man in his hand.  By Peggy, of course.
It's hard to have a favorite of these ornaments by my mom, but I'm pretty partial to this little Detroit News bear.
 Remember the Christmas when we were all running around trying to find beanie babies?  We had a ton of them, most of them gone, but I did keep this little peace bear for the Christmas season.
 Little boy angels and raggedly andy-s from my mom.
Kyle gave us the bacon & egg ornament "cause you're keto" which made my heart happy.  And the avocado came from my keto friend Pam.
Cookie monster.  When he was a baby, Judson loved his cookie monster stuffed animal.  It had rattly eyes and he would just light up when we'd show it to him.
A snowman and reindeer from Peggy, along with a commercially produced Fievel who was one of the boys' favorites in the late 80's.
And these came from The Farm.  V and I are going there today for their open house.  More Christmas ornaments to come.  I'm feeling nostalgic and so thankful this morning.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday, October 07, 2018

September Report

Lately I've spent some time with my friend Tami who has been really sick.  She's trying so hard and it's been a long struggle, but she keeps on keeping on.  I'm so proud of her.  This little collage above  was put together as I'm remembering to be grateful for so much.  Good books, good food, flowers, and of course, keto! Oh, yes--and new glasses :)
 A few containers at the end of the season.  This peach begonia above was so pretty all summer. 
 and next year, I want to have Iresine all over the place.  I usually try to put one in this washtub and they always do well.  This one sprawled a good six feet across and one of the branches is as tall as I am.  The red/pink is so pretty all summer and into fall, so I'm going to try to find a whole flat of them next year. 
 This little petunia was so cute.  Not pictured is the black pearl in the middle.
This container is at Memorial and I passed it every day while Tami was in the hospital recently. No idea what the palm is, but I'll be on the lookout for one of those too.  My front door garden was a little embarrassing this year, so I need some ideas for next time!

Saturday, September 08, 2018

30 Years

Mark and I just celebrated our thirtieth anniversary.  Here we were all those years ago:
I so remember that day.  Isaac wasn't happy because he didn't get to stay in the chapel during the ceremony.  But he did get the first bite of cake afterwards!  

The tux place sent shoes for Judson that were way too small.  I should have let him wear his tennis shoes. He was so happy to get to take them off afterwards.   Back then I thought it was  important that he wear dress shoes. I was wrong.  Ugh. One of the many mommy moments that I regret. 

And in the blink of an eye, it's been 30 years!  We rode the train up to Chicago to see Hamilton, walked to Navy Pier, and took a boat ride on the river among all the skyscrapers. It was a great weekend!

with Mark, the best husband in the whole wide world :)

Saturday, August 25, 2018

It's been a big week!

We walked Abe's Amble--6.2 miles! 
My new ride! 
And this is the picture I've been waiting for--John Michael holding his new baby brother Jax.  Life can't get any sweeter than that.