Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Our second Thanksgiving without Judson.  It seems like everything is divided into before he left and after.   We will miss him forever, but we're grateful we had him as long as we did.

Another blessing we're so so grateful for--Isaac and Jennifer are expecting their baby any day.  We wish they lived closer but they are living in beautiful country.  Love these pictures they sent to us.

From a land far far away, a favorite Thanksgiving memory.
This table wasn't thanksgiving but it looks like it could have been--it was in October, just two years ago.  We had a wonderful time that day, it  made my heart so happy to have both Judson and Isaac there, Betsy and Kyle and Rachel, Mama and PJ and Jeff, Laura and Charles.   It wasn't long after this that Patti's burned.  They just reopened in their new building.
This year's Thanksgiving table, the first in this new house. 
Some things don't change.  Skye still loves turkey and she knows there's a good chance V will give her another bite.
This year's turkey, cooked in the Nesco. 
 First time ever the cheesecake didn't crack.  Must be the new oven.
Three different mini-cupcakes.  Kyle was impressed they were all keto.  Of course :)
Kyle built a 3D dinosaur puzzle.  I didn't get Betsy's picture, but she read some of their favorite books from way back when--the Alexander books--both the Very Bad Terrible Day and Used to Be Rich Last Sunday, If you Give a Moose a Muffin, and Round Robin.

And just like that, Thanksgiving 2019 is another memory. 
Hug your peeps real tight.


  1. so very, very sweet, a few tears but happy too.

  2. Each holiday has some bitter-sweet to it as I get older. Celebrated Thanksgiving with friends who are family on Thursday and saw family at a funeral on Friday.
    On a different note, will stop in and look for your keto recipes. I've been low-carb for four years and always on the lookout for new ideas.

  3. What a nice way to start my day. I love this post. Beautiful pictures and words. Love you and miss you all.
