Sunday, November 17, 2019

Things That Happen in 11 Years

 Our Betsy girl is 11 for a couple more months.  
She's grown up so much, and she's beautiful inside and out.
And I'm thankful to have shrunk a little since way back then too.  One thing I haven't always been so thankful for are all those wrinkles that have come home to roost on my face and neck.  But I went to see Terminator Dark Force with Betsy this weekend and saw Linda Hamilton once again play that badass Sara Conner.  She obviously trains and has great muscles but she absolutely RockS those wrinkles.  
Linda is my age, 63 yo.  I'm putting her picture on my mirror to remind me that with the right attitude, wrinkles can make you look even more badass. #channelingmyinnersarahconner

1 comment:

  1. I think you are more beautiful but I like her look too!
